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Lessons in Fantasy: what can fairy-tales tell us about German and Russian culture? - Martha A View poster
The Censorship of Grimms' Fairy Tales - Cian D View poster
The Stasi: How has its legacy affected German society since reunification? - Emily O View poster
Guilt in German Literature: The German-speaking world’s response to the Nazi regime - Angela W View poster

Architecture, Design and History of Art

Prospective Architecture, Design, and History of Art students explore the evolution of built environments, from the historical significance of Renaissance architecture to the future of design with biophilia and aural architecture. They also delve into the world of outsider art. 

Viewers interested in Architecture and Design may also wish to explore the Engineering posters featured in the Physical Sciences Online Exhibition, and viewers interested in History of Art may also wish to explore the History posters featured on this page. 

Why is the use of Biophilic design increasing? - Rivie B View poster
Renaissance Architecture - Salimata C View poster
What Defines Outsider Art? - Lily S View poster
The Lost Voices of Architecture: How Can Aural Architecture Reshape User Experience of and Interaction with Space? - Liliana T View poster



Prospective Classics students explore the complexities of the Roman world, from the influence of imperial women on early Roman emperors to the power of propaganda in shaping public perception. They also delve into the enduring legacy of the playwright Euripides, examining his complex portrayal of women.

Viewers interested in Classics may also wish to explore the History posters featured on this page. 

How Imperial women influenced the emperors of Ancient Rome between 27BC-68AD - Nancy C View poster
Augustan Propaganda: Advertising an Empire - Katie T View poster
Euripides - Misogynist or Feminist? - Maria W View poster



Prospective Economics students explore a wide range of economic issues, from macro-level global trends and policy analysis to micro-level consumer behavior and the role of entrepreneurship.

Viewers interested in Economics may also wish to explore the Mathematics posters featured in the Physical Sciences Online Exhibition.

Is Entrepreneurship Important? Investigating Its Role in Economic Development - Muge A View poster
The Middle Eastern Economy - Oil and Football - Sanjay A View poster
How can game theory explain seemingly irrational behaviour? - Dishita B View poster
Predicting the Irrational - The Interrelationship of Behavioural and Statistical Economics - Lauren C View poster
Free Markets: To what extent do they promise freedom? - Helen D View poster
How have Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms benefited and disadvantaged China? - William D View poster
Are we all Equal? - Why was the furlough scheme less successful in Southall? - Alexander F View poster
Constrained Optimisation Problems: The Lagrangian Method - Kate H View poster
Are nudges a force for good or a form of manipulation onto consumers? - Sophie H View poster
Strategic Resource Allocation: Economic Efficiency and Tactical Superiority in Modern Warfare - Charlotte H View poster
The African Economy - Elise L View poster
Rich vs Poor: The Unseen Forces of Economic Inequality - Austin J View poster
'Hotspots of Growth' - Impact of Special Economic Zones in China - Terry M View poster
How can AI be used in economic modelling?: Revealing the limitations of mathematics in economic models - Mayukhi M View poster
Reaganomics or wrong-enomics: Was the deregulation of 1980's America helpful or harmful? - Haneen N View poster
Wealth Inequality: A Stark Reality - David O View poster
How did Religion Commend Enclosure in the Middle Ages - Poppy O View poster
GNH: An alternative to GDP - Tia S View poster
Should UK manufacturers be exporters? - Madeline S View poster
Why do you still buy fast fashion? - Imogen W View poster
The macroeconomic effects of the Sino-American trade war since 2018 - Apala S View poster
Tragedy of the Commons - Jake T View poster


Geography and Land Economy

Prospective Geography and Land Economy students delve into pressing global and local issues, from the urban challenges of 15-minute cities and rising density to the environmental impacts of rewilding and the complexities of Amazonian development.

Viewers interested in Geography may also wish to explore the Earth Sciences posters featured in the Physical Sciences Online Exhibition, and viewers interested in Land Economy may also wish to explore the Economics and Law posters featured on this page. 

Progressive Planning or Restrictive Reality: The 15-Minute City Debate - Emma B View poster
The Problem with THE LINE - Nyah B View poster
Skyward Solutions: How Rising Urban Density Saves Our Green Spaces - Holly C View poster
How is climate change and global development impacting communities and their culture within the Amazon? - Lucy M View poster
Should we be wild about rewilding?: Weighing up the complexities of reintroducing wolves to Scotland - Mei R View poster
How does beekeeping affect biodiversity in rural and urban environments? - Isabelle W View poster



History students delve into a diverse range of historical periods and themes, from the medieval world to the modern era. Topics explored include the roles of women, the impact of political and economic systems, and the complexities of historical narratives.

Viewers interested in History may also wish to explore the Politics posters featured on this page. 

What was the role of Quakers in the campaign for abolition in Britain? - Isobel C View poster
The origins of European social history: The French Annales school - Kirsten E View poster
Is revolution synonymous with dictatorship?: Analysing the link between the fight for freedom and di - Imtithal A View poster
Communism or Capitalism?: Russia's economy following the Civil War in 1918 - Zain F View poster
The Ottoman ‘Sultanate of Women’ 1534-1683: an increase in female power or just recognition of their existing influence? - Sage G View poster
Nazis to the UN: the legacy of Nuremberg - Amina H View poster
The Culture of Deference in Britain and its Relative Decline - Evie H View poster
A Brief History Of The Rhodesian Bush War - Edward J View poster
Was the Russian Provisional Government of 1917 a democracy? - Robbie P View poster
Did Sirhan Sirhan kill Bobby Kennedy? - Alice W View poster
How relevant is Marie Antoinette’s political impact on the French Revolution in her wider legacy? - Mya O View poster
How is the legacy of the Modern Early Witch Trials still seen in 21st Century Western Media? - Skyla R View poster
'Nothing New under the sun': How similar are we to the Ancient Romans? - Evie S View poster
Herstory: How the male perspective altered the perception of Anne Boleyn - Hayley W View poster
"Gluttonous death will instantly unjoint my body and soul" - how the rise of Protestantism in 16th century Europe changed perceptions of humanity - Astrid W View poster



What impact has Physical Geography had on changes to language spoken in the British Isles? - Seth B View poster
Bilingualism and the Brain: Does the way we use language affect our neural functions? - Evie F View poster
Does nothing mean somethingʔ Unveiling the glottal stop and its 21st-century age variation among Mancunians - Mia H View poster
Can we create accurate translations? - Sophie H View poster
How does age affect the way our brains process language? - Sara M View poster


A poisoned paradise: why we are responsible for its destruction - Amanda P View poster


What can Little Vera (1998) tell us about Glasnost in the Soviet Union? - Finn P View poster


To what extent did the Spanish Civil War and Francoist Dictatorship affect the Spanish Government's reaction to the Israel-Palestine conflict? - Nusaiba K View poster



Law students explore a wide range of legal topics, from the historical foundations of law to contemporary challenges such as human rights, international law, and the role of the judiciary.

Have you broken the law? Daily activities that have breached the legal system - Abigail B View poster
The road to equality: A historical look into how the law had disadvantaged women within relationships - Joseph D View poster
The relationship between democracy and human rights - Wiktoria A View poster
American constitution and its founders - Fallon B View poster
Does the Tort of Defamation limit Freedom of Speech - Josephine C View poster
The impact of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act (DDSA) 2020 - Max E View poster
English law's founding father? - Analysing the significance of Henry II's legal reforms on modern justice - Jonathan F View poster
Old law facing new war: Is International Humanitarian Law applicable to modern means of warfare? - Erin F View poster
Innocent until proven famous: How does the role of fame influence legal trials? - Pearl J View poster
Juries: Obsolete or Outstanding? A Brief Dive into the Effectiveness & Fairness of Juries in England’s Court System - Yves T View poster
The Impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 - Jake M View poster
How much should you know? - A Legal Analysis of a Government’s Delicate Balance Between Transparency and Security throughout History - Melissa M View poster
Should bigamy be a crime and should polygamy be legalised? - Giancarlo M View poster
Can the case for legal positivism and natural law coexist? - Jojo M View poster
Separation of Powers: How important is this principle within English Law? - Luke P View poster
The Impact of International Human Rights Law on Refugee Protection - Anamika P View poster
Roman Law: and how it has been the foundation of UK law - Laura P View poster
Judicial Review and the Human Rights Act: How the Law Limits State Power - Lucy R View poster



Prospective English Literature students explore a wide range of literary texts and themes, from medieval poetry to contemporary fiction. They delve into questions of gender, power, and representation, while also examining the role of literature in shaping culture and society.

Terrifyingly beautiful: to what extent does subliminal beauty empower the women of Bram Stoker’s Dracula? - Lilia A View poster
How does Jane Austen present female reading? - Lilia C View poster
Lyrical legacies: An exploration of Medieval English lyrics - Emily C View poster
how does Bertha from Jane Eyre conform to contemporary Victorian ideals? - Sofia C View poster
Jane Austen's female protagonists: feminist or anti-female? - Ellie D View poster
Les Belles Images: Simone de Beauvoir's Social Critique and her Fiction​ - Macaulay F View poster
What did the Victorians fear in Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu’s novel ‘Carmilla’? - Cait K View poster
The Significance of Dorothy Wordsworth - Ruby L View poster
Nnedi Okorafor & Africanfuturism: How one author defined a genre - Rhys L View poster
‘The Yellow Wallpaper’: Did the narrator’s husband cunningly plot her descent into psychosis? - Phoebe L View poster
How is the reader decieved by Humbert Humbert in 'Lolita'? - Leona M View poster
Applying Deconstruction to Sylvia Plath’s ‘Ariel ‘ - Main Focus: ‘Lady Lazarus’ - Lamar M View poster
The horror of nothing: how House of Leaves uses graphics and negative space to create fear - Anwen P View poster
A Kaleidoscope of Colours: How is colour used to reflect identity in ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, and ‘The Masque of the Red Death’? - Martha S View poster
Fairy patronage and cozenage- What does Jonson's 'The Alchemist' reveal about fairy belief in Early Modern England? - Lucy F View poster
A novel should acknowledge itself as an artifact and fictional: A Study on Metafiction - Holly S View poster
What is feminist literary criticism, and why do we need it? - Olivia W View poster
How has the presentation of women changed throughout literature: the impact of the Gothic movement - Isabella Y View poster



Prospective Philosophy students delve into profound questions about ethics, society, and human existence, from the complexities of healthcare ethics to the philosophical underpinnings of historical events.

How far are we ethically obligated to provide free care to those with lifelong chronic illnesses? - Matilda B View poster
Philosophers on health inequality - Hannah C View poster
Was the Church a precursor to Communism? - Grace E View poster
Philosophy in Children’s Literature: How and Why the Child’s Novel is used as a Vessel for Philosophical Discussion - Dorothy H View poster
How did prisoners find meaning amidst the Holocaust atrocities? - Amy S View poster


Politics and Sociology

Prospective Politics and International Relations students explore the dynamic interplay of power, ideology, and global affairs. From the domestic challenges of electoral systems and populism to the complexities of international organizations and human rights, these posters delve into critical issues shaping our world.

Prospective Sociology students explore contemporary social issues, such as gender inequality and its impact on various aspects of life.

Is there a place for Democracy in the 21st Century? - Aidan G View poster
Has the GDR's political legacy led to the rise of the far right in eastern Germany? - Sofia M View poster
The New Political Vanguard: Young Voters in the 2024 election - Manel B View poster
The Case of Trump: Why do people vote against their interests - Emily C View poster
From Pebbles to Tiktoks: a comparative timeline of political campaign strategy from 490BC to present day - Aarzoo C View poster
Reform UK: How far is nationalism shaping the UK's political climate? - Amy C View poster
Can the right wing populist movement in Europe be described as 'grassroots'? - Isabel S View poster
First Past The Post - A Democratic Illusion - Damir G View poster
Communism: Utopian or Dystopian - Jessica G View poster
Complex realities: An intersectional feminist outlook on the UK's treatment of asylum seekers - Musa G View poster
Textiles and Tactics: The Political Messaging of Fashion - Isabel L View poster
State Violence Achieves Peace. At What Cost? - Giselle M View poster
Was the Iraq Invasion in 2003 Just? - Weighing Political Motivations, Legality, and Outcomes within 'Just War' Theory - Leigh M View poster
The World Bank: Wealth Redistribution - Alyssa M View poster
States Between States: The Potential Future of International Organisation - Zehra P View poster
Do consumer boycotts really work in the 21st century? - Eve R View poster
The Re-Animation of Exclusionary Populism in the Visegrád Four - Amy W View poster
Is there a perceived difference in gender inequality between inside and outside school in male subjects aged 16-18? - Amelia F View poster
Unfair Play: The Boundaries faced by Women in Sport - Zahra K View poster



Psychology students explore a range of fascinating topics related to the human mind and behavior, from the impact of dance and music on well-being to the complexities of memory and cognition.

Viewers interested in Psychology may also wish to explore relevant Biology and Medicine posters featured in the Life Sciences Online Exhibition.

Content warning: Some posters may discuss sensitive topics such as mental health and eating disorders.

Key Factors Affecting the Formation of False Memories - Jasmine S View poster
To what extent does dance impact mental health - Chloe B View poster
Why are male eating disorders overlooked, underreported and misdiagnosed? - Poppy E View poster
The Bilingual Brain: How Language Affects Cognition - Julia W View poster
How do we feel emotions? An explanation through interoception and mirror neurones - Cadi W View poster
Suffering in Silence: Understanding the Causes, Interventions, and Long-Term Outcomes of Selective Mutism - Hannah F View poster
How sleeping a few hours later can reduce your lifespan (by decades) - Natalie H View poster
The Impact of music based therapies for individuals with autism - Siddhi S View poster


Interested in exploring further?

Our online exhibition also showcases posters in the Life Sciences and Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. You can explore these here?

Supracurricular Exploration Project Online Exhibition: Life Sciences

Supracurricular Exploration Project Online Exhibition: Physical Sciences


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