Typical offer: A*AA (A* in Geography if taken)
Required subjects: None
Useful subjects: Geography
Number of students per year: Up to 5
Admissions assessment: None
Submitted work: None
Modern Geography is much more than ‘capes and bays’ and naming capital cities around the world. Rather, it is characterised by the complex interactions between global scale change (e.g. sea level rise, human migration patterns) and more regional and local scale change (flash floods, urban inequalities). Geography sits at the interface of the natural and social sciences in a world – the ‘Anthropocene’ - where humans increasingly modify their environment and where the environment, to differing degrees across different social groups and cultures, impacts and changes lives and livelihoods. Geography graduates are typically both literate and numerate and go on to careers in a variety of sectors, including industry and commerce, planning, social work, environmental management, conservation, and the media.
All first years take the same two core papers which introduce key themes and issues in Geography. Alongside this, students study three additional topics which are assessed by means of coursework.
In second year, all students take a core paper, Living with Global Change, which examines key themes in environmental history relating to global change. In addition, students can begin to specialise by choosing three option papers which vary year to year. All students are expected to take part in a residential or multi-day field classes, which provides practical experience and training in geographical skills and methods. Funds are available for students to pay for the costs of the trips. By the end of the year, students are expected to collect data over the summer in preparation for their dissertation in third year.
In final year, students study four papers from a choice of twelve. Students also complete a 10,000 word dissertation on a subject of their choice.
Further information can be found on the Faculty and University websites.
Typical offers require
- A Level: A*AA with A* in Geography (if taken)
- IB: 42 points, with 776 at Higher Level, including 7 in HL Geography (if taken)
- Advanced Highers: A1, A2, A2 with A1 in Geography (if taken)
For other qualifications see the main entrance requirements pages on the University website.
Subject Requirements
Required subjects: None
Highly recommended subjects: Geography
Required subjects: None
Highly recommended subjects: Higher Level Geography
Mature students and those taking other qualifications are encouraged to contact our Admissions Office (at admissions@lucy.cam.ac.uk) to discuss the entry requirements for their qualifications.
Written work
Written work is not required for this subject.
No assessment is required for this course.
Interviews allow us to distinguish amongst excellent applicants by assessing the skills and aptitudes essential for successful study in higher education, and your academic qualities – essentially, how do you think?
Interviews for all applicants to Lucy Cavendish will take place virtually. The aims and content will still be the same as in-person interviews. You can read more about Lucy Cavendish's online interviews here and you can read the University's information on interviews here.
Each candidate typically has two interviews, lasting between twenty and thirty minutes. In some cases, you will be given preparatory material beforehand.
In a few subjects, you will be interviewed by more than one College or in the Faculty. You will be notified of this in your interview invitation.
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