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Typical offer: A*AA (or equivalent)*

*Please note that we typically attach an A* to one or more of the following subjects, if taken: Mathematics, Economics, Geography

Required subjects: None

Useful subjects: Mathematics, Economics, Geography

Number of undergraduate students admitted per year: 4-8

Admissions assessment: None

Submitted work: One piece (see guidance below)

The BA in Land Economy focuses on the use, management and development of the built and natural environment, and offers a solid grounding in both economics and law. The course is accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, but graduates go on to pursue a wide range of careers and Land Economy has one of the strongest records for post-BA employment in the University.



The first year of the course comprises teaching students the core disciplines of law and economics, and introduces students to the multidisciplinary nature of the degree. Students take four papers in their first year.

In second year, students have the chance to develop their skills and choose from a range of subjects. Students choose five papers to complete over the year.

In final year, four papers are chosen that allow students to specialise even further. In addition, students also write a 10,000 word dissertation on a topic of their choice.

Further information can be found on the Faculty and University websites.  

Typical offers require

  • A Level: A*AA. Please note that we typically attach an A* to one or more of the following subjects, if taken: Mathematics, Economics, Geography
  • IB: 42 points, with 776 in Higher Level
  • Advanced Highers: A1, A2, A2

For other qualifications see the main entrance requirements pages on the University website. 

Subject Requirements


Required: None

Highly recommended: Mathematics, Economics, Geography


Required: None

Highly recommended: Higher Level Economics, Higher Level Mathematics (we strongly recommend Analysis and Approaches for the most competitive application, however Applications and Interpretations will also be considered).

Mature students and those taking other qualifications are encouraged to contact our Admissions Office (at to discuss the entry requirements for their qualifications.

Written work

Applicants are required to submit one piece of written work. 

No assessment is required for this course.


Interviews allow us to distinguish amongst excellent applicants by assessing the skills and aptitudes essential for successful study in higher education, and your academic qualities – essentially, how do you think?

Interviews for all applicants to Lucy Cavendish will take place virtually. The aims and content will still be the same as in-person interviews. You can read more about Lucy Cavendish's online interviews here and you can read the University's information on interviews here.

Each candidate typically has two interviews, lasting between twenty and thirty minutes. In some cases, you will be given preparatory material beforehand.

In a few subjects, you will be interviewed by more than one College or in the Faculty. You will be notified of this in your interview invitation.

Supracurricular exploration is an important way to expand your knowledge of your subject, explore your interests and develop your skills. Our new webpage contains guidance on supracurricular exploration and a comprehensive source of resources, grouped according to undergraduate degrees at Cambridge. 

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