Meet our international students
Some of our international students have kindly shared their journeys to Cambridge and their experiences of adapting to life in the UK.
Preksha, undergraduate student in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, tells us about her experiences as an international student at Lucy Cavendish College.
Students across the University share their experiences here:

Miriam Dzah, BME Officer, BA in Human, Social & Political Sciences
"What I like most about Lucy is the small size of the community and the friendly environment that I quickly became a part of. Compared to the German schools and university I was used to, Cambridge impresses me by the amount of contact I have with my supervisors. I feel quite lucky to have professors who seem to know me well and encourage me."
Miriam Dzah, BME Officer
Scholarships and awards at Lucy Cavendish
Like all Colleges, Lucy Cavendish is able to provide considerable financial support to undergraduate students. Click on the page below to find out about the scholarships and awards available here.
Scholarships and awardsThinking of applying in 2024?
Further guidance on applying to Lucy Cavendish College