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Welcome to our Online Exhibition of Physical Sciences posters!

As part of the Academic Attainment Programme 2023-24, participants in Year 12 (S5 - Scotland/Y13 - N.I.) completed a Supracurricular Exploration Project which involved researching, designing, and presenting an academic poster on a topic of their choosing. The goal of this Project was to offer opportunities for participants to consolidate and present their independent subject exploration, develop key skills necessary to achieve top grades in their current studies, connect with like-minded peers, and boost university applications by providing content for personal statements.

Through this online exhibition, we're delighted to invite the Lucy Cavendish College community - alongside students' families, guardians, teachers, and peers - to explore what students have been working on, gain an insight into their wide-ranging subject interests, and help celebrate their success in and dedication to the Academic Attainment Programme 2023-24. We're sure you'll be impressed by their research and posters, and that you'll join us in wishing them all the best with their next steps.

On this page, you'll find posters submitted on subjects within the broad field of Physical Sciences. Posters are categorised by the following subjects and then alphabetically by surname.

  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Earth Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Please note that the views expressed in these posters are those of the individual students and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Lucy Cavendish College. The College is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. 


Featured Posters

We have featured some posters below to give you a taster of the quality and academic depth of our students' posters across the physical sciences. To nominate a poster that you have been particularly impressed by to be featured, please email We will be rotating the posters featured here. 

Dragonfly Dynamics: Revolutionising Drone Design - Bohni D View poster
A game theorists view of baseball L-R matchups - Jack H View poster
How Are Black Holes Thermodynamic objects? Their entropy and Hawking radiation - Lan H View poster
How does glow in the dark paint work? - Thai An Q View poster
Efficient Security: Exploring Elliptic Curve Cryptography - Megan C View poster



Students' Chemistry posters explore a range of topics, from the quantum mechanics of orbitals to the practical applications of chemistry in fields like medicine, materials science, and consumer products.

Viewers interested in Chemistry may also wish to explore the Biology and Medicine posters featured in the Life Sciences Online Exhibition.

Trace Elements and Tracing Incidents: How are rare elements used in medical imaging? - James A View poster
Morphine: stereoselective recognition of μ-opioid receptors and drug efficacy - Isabel C View poster
Orbitals, organic, and more orbitals; a brief introduction to key quantum mechanical concepts in chemistry - Karina E View poster
The Physical Science Behind: Hydrogels​ - Liam H View poster
Delving into the reactions of phenol - Sounak L View poster
Neutron crystallography: An analysis of the structures of oxalic acid and calcium fluoride crystals containing erbium - Millie M View poster
How does glow in the dark paint work? - Thai An Q View poster
The Chemistry of Luminol - Isobel R View poster
The Lennard-Jones Potential: Can Mathematics Explain Universal Intermolecular Relationships? - Ioanna S View poster
The chemistry behind the 1960's pharmaceutical tragedy: Thalidomide - Aaron T View poster
The role of chirality in drug design - Tanmaya V View poster
Taste the synthetic rainbow: the chemistry behind Skittles millions - Connie W View poster
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (ssNMR): An overview of the theory that makes the analytical - Niamh H View poster


Computer Science

Computer science posters delve into the theoretical foundations and practical applications of computing, exploring topics such as cryptography, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and network security.

Preparing Digital Security for Quantum Computers: The Future of Lattice-Based Cryptography - Yaroslav B View poster
Bayesian Networks: The Maths Behind Life-Saving Medical Decisions - Rhianna B View poster
Are humans the real weakness of the Turing Test? - Anna B View poster
Efficient Security: Exploring Elliptic Curve Cryptography - Megan C View poster
How do computers draw shapes? - Stan D View poster
What is Game Theory and how can it be used to optimize network traffic and data flow? - Neha I View poster
From Chaos to Code: The Mathematics Behind Random Number Generation in Modern Programming Languages - Sumaya J View poster
The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Simulation & Modelling - Anna K View poster
From computational evolution to cosmic colonisation, how can cellular automata be applied in computer science? - Sai K View poster
Quantum Computers Can't Break This: Lattice-Based Cryptography - Arnav M View poster
How do computers understand images? Convolutional Neural Networks and their role in Computer Vision - Mayukha P View poster
Should we make Neural Networks more uncertain? - Rishi S View poster
Artificial Intelligence's effect on the creative industries - Rody S View poster
What happens to your devices once they leave your possession? - Allen S View poster
How AI can help tackle the climate crisis - Megan B View poster
Perlin or Merlin: the magic behind procedural terrain generation in video games - Lucy M View poster


Earth Sciences

Earth science posters examine the intersection of technology and environmental science, exploring topics like climate change, oceanography, and astrophysics.

Viewers interested in Earth Sciences may also wish to explore the Geography posters featured in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Online Exhibition.

Revolutionizing Hydrographic Surveying: The Power of SQUID 5 - Dominic B View poster



Engineering posters explore the intersection of technology and various fields, from aerospace and robotics to biomedicine and environmental science, highlighting recent advancements and future possibilities.

Viewers interested in Engineering may also wish to explore the Architecture and Design posters featured in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Online Exhibition.

How can developments in superconductivity impact the future of technology? - Ellie B View poster
Bose-Einstein Condensates: The Most Powerful State Of Matter You've Never Heard Of - Nicholas B View poster
The past, present and future of drones - Millicent C View poster
Dragonfly Dynamics: Revolutionising Drone Design - Bohni D View poster
How is aeroelasticity being utilised in Formula 1? - Grace E View poster
What machines will you see if you have a surgery? Biomedical instruments in a typical operating theatre - Eli L View poster
How War and Environmental Concerns have influenced F1's Technology - Joel M View poster
How robots bend - investigating the use of compliant mechanisms in robotics - Elliot M View poster
F1 Car Design: Where Innovation Meets the Track - Fatima N View poster
Can Aerospace Materials live up to Environmental Expectations? - Sonali P View poster
Engineering: Prevention, Response and Recovery - Sinead Q View poster
The role of aero and thermo dynamics in sports cars - Rameesa Q View poster
Carbon Capture and Storage: A Tool for Fighting Climate Change - Alaa S View poster
Sporadic E: Radio's Strangest Phenomenon - Leon S View poster
Coffin Corner: What is it and can we design aircraft to withstand this phenomenon? - Mihika S View poster
Trains through Time: How fast is our future? - Samantha T View poster
Passive & Active Cooling for a hotter future - Josie T View poster
Is nanotechnology the next big thing? - Miles W View poster
Can chemical engineering advancements turn the tide in wastewater management? - Olivia W View poster
Which system could be the key to nuclear fusion energy? - Rae F View poster
The Science Behind Maglev Trains - Kira T View poster
Could Photovoltaics power next-generation electronics? - Ogooluwa A View poster
AI in Engineering - Avni K View poster
Quantum entanglement: a phenomenon and its applications - Zachary K View poster



Mathematics posters delve into the fundamental concepts and applications of mathematics, exploring topics such as number theory, game theory, statistics, and cryptography. They also examine the historical and cultural context of mathematics, highlighting its global development and influence.

Viewers interested in Mathematics may also wish to explore the Economics posters featured in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Online Exhibition.


The Art of Chaos: Predicting the Unpredictable - Molly C View poster
Can game theory prevent war? - Sara D View poster
Math's Breaking Point: The Foundational Crisis of Mathematics - Oscar G View poster
A game theorists view of baseball L-R matchups - Jack H View poster
Infinities, infinitesimals, and the endeavour to redefine calculus - Rupert H View poster
AI in Crystallography: Mathematics exposes Artificial Illusions in material design - Tatiana K View poster
Maths in Music: The Golden Ratio - Ellen L View poster
Can We Unravel the Mystery of the Illusive Primes? - Alisa M View poster
Statistical paradoxes: Why you can't always trust the proof - Diya O View poster
The Magic Of Primes: The Role Of Number Theory In Modern Cryptographic Systems - Harrison P View poster
How big is infinity? Countable, uncountable infinities and everything inbetween - Sarah P View poster
May The Odds Be Ever In My Favour? Using Maths In Order To Get Better At Risk - Lucia P View poster
Chaos Theory in Financial Markets - Ansh S View poster
The Four-Colour Map Problem: Why no Adjacent Regions are Ever the Same Colour - Barney T View poster
What mathematics did Eurocentric scholars hide from us? Exploring the origin and spread of the decimal place-value system? - Tilly W View poster
Asian Roots of Mathematics & the Eurocentricity of Maths in Education - Poppy W View poster
Are prime numbers really that unpredictable? - Imogen W View poster
RSA Encryption: How does it work and why is it so important? - Oliver W View poster
An introduction to Ramaujan Summation: What it is, and its links to other areas - Najaf Y View poster
Vedic Maths - Jahnavi Y View poster
Nature's mathematicians: how do bees use maths to flourish? - Kimaya R View poster



Ghosts in the machine: How neutrinos are detected at Super-Kamiokande - Maxime B View poster
Answers to Aliens: The missing factor of time within the Drake Equation - Jasper D View poster
The expanding universe: how dark energy is forcing everything apart - Isla C View poster
The Muon: Theoretical Physics in Everyday Life - Kimaya C View poster
Exploring the plausibility of applying nuclear fusion as a global sustainable energy source - Charlotte C View poster
Chaos Theory and the Limits of Human Knowledge - Harry C View poster
The derivation of the formulae of planetary motion, and the resulting shape of orbit - Lily D View poster
The Black Hole Information Paradox - Holly G View poster
Dark Matter: How do we search for the invisible? - Oliwier K View poster
Fourier Transforms: The Mathematics of Quantum Physics - Emily P View poster
Is The Future Pre-Determined? - Alexander P View poster
Could there be a black hole in our solar system? - Adela R View poster
Do you really exist?: An exploration of idealism and free will within quantum mechanics - Neve S View poster
The Physics of Superconductors - Ffion S View poster
What is vacuum decay? And how could it bring an end to the universe we know? - Olha T View poster
How Are Black Holes Thermodynamic objects? Their entropy and Hawking radiation - Lan H View poster
Exploring Infinite Boundaries with Entropic Gravity - Hallee L View poster
Catching Echoes: Impulse Responses and Methods for Analysis - Dang L View poster


Interested in exploring further?

Our online exhibition also showcases posters in the Life Sciences and Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. You can explore these here:

Supracurricular Exploration Project Online Exhibition: Life Sciences

Supracurricular Exploration Project Online Exhibition: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences


Are you a teacher or a student starting Year 12 (S5 - Scotland/Y13 - N.I.) in September 2024? 

The Academic Attainment Programme is the College's flagship outreach programme, supporting 1000 UK state school students to realise their full potential through a 2-year programme of subject-specific support tailored to their stage in the curriculum. 

Find out more about and apply for the Academic Attainment Programme 2024-26