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All Lucy Cavendish students will receive the tools needed to progress into meaningful careers

At Lucy Cavendish we want to level the playing field. Our Careers Programme provides engagement activities aimed at building strong, mutually beneficial relationships with businesses and organisations which believe in inclusivity and diversity. The Programme has been designed in consultation with the University’s Careers Service, and includes activities such as speed mentoring, sector-focused events and career workshops.

So far we have had incredibly positive feedback from students who benefited from the careers initiatives.

  • “That was honestly one of the best experiences I have had a Lucy so far. I am really glad I was able to participate and interact with so many different people from the AstraZeneca and College community. Looking forward to connecting sometime in the near future.”
  • “As someone who never before considered getting involved in enterprise, the challenge made starting a venture more accessible/a realistic possibility. It also highlighted to me all the amazing Fellows at Lucy who are happy to talk and give us students advice.”
  • I loved it. Looking forward to more college events such as this one. It created a beautiful space to have deeper conversations with the speakers as well as with other Lucy members I had not met before.”

By supporting Optimising Students’ Futures you will help us close the gap in careers progression, ensuring Lucy students receive the same professional opportunities as their more financially and socially privileged peers. They will be equipped with the networks, knowledge and experience to become outstanding members of the international workforce.

Find out more about the Optimising Students’ Futures fund

What is LucyGives?

LucyGives Giving Week (25 April – 1 May 2022) is a 7-day campaign for a better, fairer future. Driven by the College community’s support in LucyGives 2020, Lucy Cavendish is forging ahead with its pioneering vision, welcoming the most socio-economically diverse year group admitted by any Cambridge college this academic year. But this is just the start.

Your support during LucyGives 2022 will help realise our ambitions to achieve a UK student population which is broadly representative of society by 2025, and to increase numbers of talented students from under-served communities across the globe. LucyGives will support the brightest minds from all backgrounds, enabling them to access a world-class university education and to graduate with the skills and confidence to make a positive impact in society. Through LucyGives, we will together ensure our College and its global mission remain at the vanguard of change at the University of Cambridge.

To get involved and to show your support please visit the LucyGives website