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Lucy’s PhD student Gloria Jansen on how supporting students to take part in extracurricular activities can positively impact student’s journeys.

“My name is Gloria Jansen and I am a Lucy Cavendish College third-year PhD student in Genetics.

My research focuses on the germline, the “immortal” cell lineage that passes genetic information between generations in many species from flies to humans, ensuring the continuation of the life cycle. I am studying how these cells and the genetic information they carry are protected from damage, which can stem from irradiation, chemicals or internal cellular and genetic processes. I use the fruit fly as a model system to study this question, making use of a myriad of genetic tools available in this system, including genome editing techniques. Uncovering fundamental principles of how cells sense and repair genome damage has crucial implications for our understanding of cancer and other diseases. 

In parallel to my academic research, I have been involved in the Cambridge rowing community. Having learned to row during my first year with the Lucy Cavendish College Boat Club (LCCBC), where I was coached by and trained with fellow Lucy students, I went on to trial for the University Women’s Boat Club (CUWBC) for the 2020 Boat Race campaign.

During this time, I was generously supported by the Lindsey Traub Sports Fund, a College grant awarded to students who represent Lucy Cavendish in University sports teams.

I care deeply about enabling and improving participation for women in sports, and I am proud that the college has established a legacy of supporting its students’ athletic endeavours.

Becoming a part of this legacy by donating to the LucyGives campaign will ensure that Lucy Cavendish students continue to gain valuable life skills with respect to teamwork, dedication and leadership through participation in sports.”

Find out more about the Making the Most of Cambridge fund

What is LucyGives?

LucyGives Giving Week (25 April – 1 May 2022) is a 7-day campaign for a better, fairer future. Driven by the College community’s support in LucyGives 2020, Lucy Cavendish is forging ahead with its pioneering vision, welcoming the most socio-economically diverse year group admitted by any Cambridge college this academic year. But this is just the start.

Your support during LucyGives 2022 will help realise our ambitions to achieve a UK student population which is broadly representative of society by 2025, and to increase numbers of talented students from under-served communities across the globe. LucyGives will support the brightest minds from all backgrounds, enabling them to access a world-class university education and to graduate with the skills and confidence to make a positive impact in society. Through LucyGives, we will together ensure our College and its global mission remain at the vanguard of change at the University of Cambridge.

To get involved and to show your support please visit the LucyGives website