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Lucy Alumna on how Lucy’s support helped her taking part in co-curricular activities which positively impacted her academic journey

Allysha (Law 2014) studied at Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge from 2014 to 2017 and recently completed the LPC with commendation.

She is passionate about humanitarian law and more specifically, the regional refugee crisis in Southeast Asia. She secured a summer internship in the UNHCR Kuala Lumpur where she was assigned to the Registration unit tasked with the preliminary interview of hundreds of asylum seekers, predominantly from the Rohingya community. Allysha also worked with the Statelessness unit and was on the organising committee of a national conference gathering delegates of different stakeholders including ministers, NGOs, and lawyers to participate in a roundtable policy proposal for the undocumented population in Malaysia. Since graduating she has been offered a training contract in a family law firm based in London and she is pursuing that contract and will hopefully qualify as a solicitor in England and Wales in under 2 years.

Whilst she was in Cambridge, Allysha was the Lucy Cavendish Law Society President. Participating in activities such as this significantly enhanced her experience of Cambridge, and her future career trajectory.

She comments “Reading Law itself can be very technical and theoretical, so to be able to go and do visits to Law firms or to attend open days, and things like that help to put things into perspective in terms of career trajectory for all of us. It definitely impacted my personal development by giving me the extra confidence to go and speak and network. Another activity that I was involved in and that’s really close to my heart was the Cambridge Big Sibling Project, where I was a ‘big sibling’ to the local children in the council [local area], helping with homework and playtime. This really added to my experience because it made me feel like the world was more than just the degree that I was doing - it helped me connect with Cambridge as a town more so than just a University hub.”

Allysha adds: “I’ve personally benefitted from the financial and pastoral support from the College throughout my three years there. And genuinely believe that I would not have been able to get through all three years unscratched if not for the amazing support of everyone at Lucy Cavendish College.”

Donations from Lucy alumnae and friends cover costs of a range of activities run by subject- and careers-focussed societies such as the Lucy Law Society, ensuring students can benefit holistically from all that Cambridge has to offer.

Your support during LucyGives Giving Week (18-25 October) will ensure that all students, irrespective of their background or financial capacity, can participate in the myriad co- and extra-curricular opportunities available at Cambridge.

Let Allysha tell you more:

What is LucyGives?

Together, we’ll raise funds during LucyGives (18-25 October) to help us level the playing field, ensuring those from under-represented or disadvantaged backgrounds can thrive academically and make the most of all that Cambridge has to offer. We’ll ensure they develop the skills required to achieve their career ambitions, so that they really can go on to make a positive impact on the world.

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