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Your support will help create an outdoor environment which is conducive to personal development.

The grounds surrounding our new Passivhaus development will be re-landscaped to create outdoor spaces at different scales including those suitable for events and performances, a sensory garden, and an intimate new courtyard for quiet relaxation or individual study.

Our Head gardener Vince Lucas says: “The Sensory Garden will include many wonderful plants to stimulate the senses and boost wellbeing.

Among these, three examples would be: Stipa tenuissima ‘Pony Tails’ with its fluffy plumes, the aromatic foliage of Salvia officinalis ‘Purpurascens’, and the autumn tins of the Persian ironwood leaves.

The area will provide a relaxing and calming space to escape the stresses of busy students’ schedules for a few moments, as well as a welcoming and stimulating setting for everyone.”

Christine Houghton, Lucy’s Domestic Bursar, has been working on the new build project since its inception. She says: “As well as a lovely new building we will have beautiful landscape gardens for all to enjoy. The proposed planting palette seeks to preserve the character of existing planting whilst creating beautiful garden to enhance the facilities as the College expands.

The range of species within the new garden court have been selected to emphasise the secluded nature of the garden and to appeal to the senses. Trees have been selected so that in time they will create a lovely mature tree canapé, appropriate as a transition belt between existing and proposed trees.

We will have seasonal plants to provide colour all year round, wet areas plants and wildflowers to improve and augment the biodiversity of the area. So please give what you can so we can make this area beautiful for all to enjoy”

By supporting Lucy’s Outdoor Spaces you are helping us provide an environment conducive to personal development and the unlocking of exceptional levels of academic potential.

Dr Maria Dias, Student Welfare Advisor and Bye Fellow, adds: “It is so exciting to be re-landscaping Lucy’s outdoor space with focus on maximising the wellbeing of our students and wider College community! 

It is fantastic to be able to use the designs of our grounds to harness the mental and physical health benefits of connecting with nature, and to support our current and future students to achieve their goals within an inspiring and healthy environment. Sensory gardens, for example, have been shown to reduce stress and improve personal wellbeing and productivity.  Our gardens will be an inspiring place for students to relax or study, in different areas to suit different moods.

In addition to the new outdoor spaces, students living on site can also enjoy a wellbeing ‘top up’ throughout the day with views of the gardens from each of our new student rooms!”

Find out more about the Lucy’s Outdoor Spaces fund

What is LucyGives?

LucyGives Giving Week (25 April – 1 May 2022) is a 7-day campaign for a better, fairer future. Driven by the College community’s support in LucyGives 2020, Lucy Cavendish is forging ahead with its pioneering vision, welcoming the most socio-economically diverse year group admitted by any Cambridge college this academic year. But this is just the start.

Your support during LucyGives 2022 will help realise our ambitions to achieve a UK student population which is broadly representative of society by 2025, and to increase numbers of talented students from under-served communities across the globe. LucyGives will support the brightest minds from all backgrounds, enabling them to access a world-class university education and to graduate with the skills and confidence to make a positive impact in society. Through LucyGives, we will together ensure our College and its global mission remain at the vanguard of change at the University of Cambridge.

To get involved and to show your support please visit the LucyGives website