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Carlo Bozzola on the importance of providing equal chances to all students to reach their full academic potential and go on to solve some of the major issues facing humankind and our planet.

“I study an MPhil in Industrial Systems, Manufacturing and Management (ISMM). It is a very unique course, where teaching material is combined with industry visits and projects.

During these projects, we bring our diverse engineering experience to solve current issues in businesses, from an operation to a strategic level.

My dissertation work is carried out with the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy at the University’s IfM (Institute for Manufacturing). The research looks at the evolution of the UK’s automotive value chain with the introduction of electric vehicles.

The ISMM course is very intense, with weekly visits in companies and industry projects. This requires a lot of travelling and extra expenses. Lucy has kindly supported me with these expenses, allowing to be fully focused on the tasks handed out by the company.

Master’s students will develop to be tomorrow’s leaders in science, technology, and policy. It is therefore important to support their academic studies to provide equal chances to everyone to achieve these dreamed positions.

I had the opportunity to be part of the most socio-economically diverse year group admitted by any Cambridge college this academic year. This is just the start, but your help is needed to support Lucy Cavendish on this mission! Feel free to approach me to ask any questions or doubts you may have.”

Find out more about the Interdisciplinary Masters’ Scholarship fund

What is LucyGives?

LucyGives Giving Week (25 April – 1 May 2022) is a 7-day campaign for a better, fairer future. Driven by the College community’s support in LucyGives 2020, Lucy Cavendish is forging ahead with its pioneering vision, welcoming the most socio-economically diverse year group admitted by any Cambridge college this academic year. But this is just the start.

Your support during LucyGives 2022 will help realise our ambitions to achieve a UK student population which is broadly representative of society by 2025, and to increase numbers of talented students from under-served communities across the globe. LucyGives will support the brightest minds from all backgrounds, enabling them to access a world-class university education and to graduate with the skills and confidence to make a positive impact in society. Through LucyGives, we will together ensure our College and its global mission remain at the vanguard of change at the University of Cambridge.

To get involved and to show your support please visit the LucyGives website