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Alumna Dr Sally Bullock (CGCM, 2006) on the benefits of sport

I live and breathe sport; anything and everything! I always have and am sure always will. Never has that been clearer to me than over the last year, for several reasons. The pandemic has meant our worlds have become very small, as well as being filled with fear and uncertainty. Sport has been the one constant; it has always been allowed and so provided an opportunity to get out of the house, remain physically fit, but even more importantly than normal seek mental solace. For me, this became even more acute when this was taken away from me; once when I had Covid back in November, and more recently when I developed a stress fracture.

My three main sporting interests are running, swimming and cycling. Whilst at Lucy and Cambridge University studying graduate-entry Medicine, I had the pleasure of playing water polo for the team against Oxford on three occasions; winning all three Varsity matches and in doing so gaining the coveted ‘Blue’. Team sports such as these also allow you to make very strong friendships through the mutual respect and support that is nurtured in challenging times.

Dr Sally Bullock (CGCM, 2006)

The beauty of some sports is that you can take them all over the world. Whenever I travel, I am never without my trainers or swimsuit in tow, just in case! Probably one of the most iconic runs I have done is up Mount Tauhara in New Zealand at dawn with work colleagues. As a GP I am lucky to have a portable skill, which has enabled me to spend 6 months living and working in New Zealand during their summer. Kiwi’s in general love the outdoors, and this love for sport bonded us. It was a very special moment looking down over Lake Taupo as the sun was rising, alongside colleagues who had become friends. There was just enough time to get back down off the mountain for a quick shower before having breakfast looking out over the lake, all before the working day began!