As this year marks our 60th anniversary, students are invited to submit their artwork on the theme of 'Celebration'.
What are we looking for?
We would love some original artworks from Lucy students so we can display them in the Library foyer during Easter Term.
Since this year is the College’s 60th anniversary, we have a theme of “Celebration”. What does “Celebration” mean for you? Feel free to interpret the theme as you wish – your inspiration can be any kind of celebration! - and be as creative as you like.
Your work can be in any medium at all but we have provided some materials in te foyer in case you’re inspired now. We know there are plenty of enthusiastic artists and photographers at Lucy Cavendish, so here is an opportunity for you all to showcase your talent.
There will be prizes!
Our first place winner will receive a £30 voucher, with £20 and £10 vouchers for second and third places. The winning entries, as well as the runners up, will be displayed for the year in College from June 2025.
All competition entries will be displayed in the Library at the beginning of Easter Term and the judges’ final decision will be announced on Friday 9th May.
How to enter
Simply pin up your work on the display board and make sure your CRSid is written on the back (so the artworks can be judged anonymously, although we will add artists’ names once judging is complete). Submit your entry to the Library by 5pm on Wednesday 30th April.
If you have a photograph you would like to submit, simply pin it up or email it to and we will print it out.
Rules & Guidelines
The competition is open to all Lucy Cavendish College students
All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party.
If an artwork features recognisable people, the entrant is responsible for obtaining written consent for the image to be entered in the competition and to be published in all media as required by Lucy Cavendish College as well as displayed in College.
Judges will select the winning works which, in their opinion, shows artistic merit and which also best meets the theme of the competition. The judges’ decisions are final.
The results will be announced on Friday 9th May 2025 and the winner will be informed by email.
Entrants will have their work displayed in College from 1st May 2025 until 22nd June 2025. By entering the competition, entrants give permission for any winning works to be displayed in College. Any winning photographs will be specially printed at a suitable size for ongoing display (any costs for this will be borne by the Library).
Copyright for every submitted entry remains with the entrant.
By submitting a photograph, artwork or poem to the competition, all entrants grant Lucy Cavendish College, free of charge, the non-exclusive right to publish their entries in College publications, on the Lucy Cavendish College website or social media accounts and exhibit the work anywhere within Lucy Cavendish College.