This September, Lucy Cavendish College is proud to host Lucy Legacy Month, celebrating the transformative power of legacy giving.
Throughout the month, we will shine a spotlight on the incredible impact legacies have on our college community, and provide valuable information on how you can leave a lasting legacy at Lucy Cavendish.
Free Wills Service Launched:
We are delighted to announce our partnership with Make A Will Online to offer a new, free online will writing service. This is an excellent opportunity to plan your legacy with ease. If you wish to leave a gift to Lucy Cavendish after remembering your friends and family, this service is here to help.
Write your will online for free
Get involved:
- Interested in leaving a legacy to Lucy Cavendish? Discover the many benefits for you and the College, and learn how to leave a legacy. You can also reach out to a member of the Development Team for personalised assistance here.
- If you have already included Lucy Cavendish College in your will, please let us know. We would love to thank you, celebrate your generosity, and invite you to join the Anna Bidder Society.
Let us know
- Share Your Story: Are you already a member of the Anna Bidder Society? Share your legacy story with the College Community (anonymously if you prefer) by contacting the Development Team here. Please confirm in your email if you would be happy for us to feature your story on College communications channels, and if you would prefer to remain anonymous if so.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting Lucy Cavendish College in this tremendously meaningful way.