Boni Sones OBE has had a 45 year career in journalism in the field of media, government, politics and now specialise in web broadcasting on issues of significance. She has worked in print, Radio and TV journalism and been a correspondent and editor for the BBC in the East of England.
Today she reports and broadcasts on economics, business, innovation, the environment, and technological change in the digital age. These broadcasts are found on the University of Cambridge and other websites. Boni has been at the forefront of digital reporting through the web and has won the respect of others for her high production values and speaking up for and pushing forward publicinterest journalism.
She often goes to Westminster to report on women MPs in British politics and public policy for her; one of the first independent online broadcasters. She has written four books on the work of women MPs, the latest published in February 2019 called: “When There’s a Woman in the Room – #Vote 100 Year 2018 to January 2019”. All her books can be found in the National Libraries of Britain: The British Library, the Bodleian Library Oxford University, The Cambridge University Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales and Trinity College Dublin. Working with a team of other broadcast journalists from the East including Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother, she has also set up four national audio archives of all the interviews they have as a small team conducted over the past 16 years - approx. a total of 700. These are housed at the British Library, the London School of Economics, The History of Parliament Trust and now a growing collection at the Churchill Political Archives, University of Cambridge: Interviews with Boni Sones OBE in the Centenary Year of Women's Suffrage - Churchill College ( She has also written books on growing up in Suffolk and the coming of nuclear energy to the Sizewell coastline which academics are now studying. More recently she has been broadcasting on the need to save water and our rivers.
She is a Fellow Commoner at Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge and a Policy Associate at The Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge. In 2009 she was awarded an OBE for services to broadcasting and PR.
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