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On Thursday 14 March 2019, more than a dozen Lucy Cavendish students and research associates gave short talks outlining their research projects.

The Day was organised by Henslow Research Fellow Dr Sarah Morgan, whose own research focuses on using MRI brain imaging to study schizophrenia.

Free and open to all, the annual Research Day presents an opportunity for research ideas or outcomes to reach a wider audience; a short Q&A session after each talk enabled participants to dig deeper into specific areas of interest.

research day talk

Sarah said:

“I’m hugely grateful to everyone who helped to make the Day a success. It’s important to give a platform to the work being done across the College, by students and post-doctoral research associates, and encouraging that it is so eagerly received. Events like this help to further people’s understanding of research, from methodologies to the application of outcomes. It’s clear from the Q&A that people want to know, “what next? How does what you’re doing make a difference in your field?”

Five diverse topics from the Day, from dementia as a social justice issue to the application of turbine coatings in the aerospace industry, have been distilled into in our Research Day 2019 Podcast - listen below. Our thanks to Fellow-Commoner Boni Sones OBE for producing it.

Prizes were given in recognition of outstanding presentations: Emma Carpenter (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute) won the prize for best poster, Kelly Power (Faculty of Education) the prize for best Master's talk, Mélanie Bay (Chemistry) the prize for best PhD talk and Clare Worley (Institute of Astronomy) the prize for best post-doc talk.

See more photos on Facebook and search #LucyResearchDay on twitter to see tweets from the Day.

For more information, please contact Dr Sarah Morgan: