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Aided by a Lucy Cavendish sports award, Lenka joined the Blues team this season.

PhD student Lenka Janik Blaskova played for the Cambridge University Volleyball Club (CUVC) women’s Blues team this season. Having already played at national level, Lenka feels she has come a long way with the Blues, and has seen volleyball in its most competitive, fun and professional form at Cambridge.

When Lenka began her PhD in Education at Lucy Cavendish College, she already had great volleyball experience. She played in the Cambridge Volleyball Club (city team), in the First Division of the UK National Volleyball League; in total, she has played for fifteen years. In November 2018, Lenka received a University Sports College Award from Lucy Cavendish College. Having been selected for the Blues, the College grant allowed her to join the CUVC and the Blues, covering all expenses – enhancing her Cambridge experience, and taking volleyball in a new, exciting direction.

The CUVC is one of the most successful sports clubs at Cambridge. The Blues have consistently ranked among the best university teams in the country, and have represented Great Britain at the European University Championships. From this season, Lenka is playing her part in upholding their success, and is excited about their development. She also credits the Blues’ coach, Iwona Grabon, as a strong female force behind the team – in supporting the players, promoting team spirit, and pointing out their passion for the game. 

Lenka said:

“Cambridge Blues women can play fearlessly and yet remain the friendliest bunch ever… we did truly bond by sticking together when fighting our matches and laughing during training sessions. Having the experience of being coached by a woman, I can see the potential of using my volleyball skills and experience even when I retire as a professional player.”

Volleyball Blues Team Picture

On the subject of Varsity, she added:

“Ok, we didn’t win this year, but we did beat Oxford in the Premier League, and we will surely beat them next year, when the 50th anniversary of Varsity will be held in Cambridge. I hope to be there, and make many Lucians proud!”

Dr Victoria Harvey, Admissions Director at Lucy Cavendish College, said:

“Lucy Cavendish supports students in many areas of their lives at Cambridge. Participation in sport at all levels is an excellent way to balance the intense academic environment and contribute to wellbeing. We are very excited to see so many of our students reaching elite levels of play in various sports and are pleased to offer financial support particularly to those who represent their sport at University level.”

Try outs for next season’s CUVC teams take place in October. To get involved, learn about the CUVC here. Find out about sports awards and other grants offered at Lucy Cavendish here.