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Students enjoyed a busy programme designed to help them get off to a flying start at Cambridge.

To make sure our students thrive academically and personally from the very first week of their Tripos, all new undergraduates are expected to attend a Bridging Course immediately before the start of their first term. The programme is uniquely designed to support the transition to College and to the University of Cambridge.

The College’s fourth Bridging Week took place just before the start of term when it welcomed its entire cohort of 134 first-year undergraduate students to Lucy Cavendish for a programme of academic, academic-related and social activities.

The College’s wonderful group of student helpers were on hand to meet new students, answer questions, and lead College tours, and the Undergraduate Student Union organised many different social activities in the evenings, such as quiz night, arts and crafts, welcome drinks, and a scavenger hunt.

The week began on Sunday the 25th of September with registration and tours of the College, followed by a welcome from College President Madeleine Atkins and other introductory talks. It then moved on to themed sessions including essay writing, time management, well-being, academic skills, and learning at Cambridge.

The students had the opportunity to experience mini-supervisions, or meeting with their Director of Studies for subject-specific sessions, as well as participate in activities to help them engage with sustainability at Lucy, like a team-based task which involved creating a video on the topic. We had also planned a career and enterprise session, as well as a ‘Life in the UK’ introductory session for International Students.

Students were encouraged to try out sporting activities at the Friday pop-up event, led by the University Sports Centre team who created a great atmosphere for the students and discussed sports they might like to get involved with. To address the rising cost of living, our Catering team organised a cooking demo for students showing them how to cook six recipes for a low budget. Additionally, freshers were able to drop in and speak to our Student Finance Officer who helped students fill in forms if they think they are eligible for funding, and also offered general financial advice.

Sports in the garden - BW

JCR President Luke Patterson says, “Bridging Week was a great success at Lucy this year. Our students have been able to make friendships and connections in the relaxed, non-academic atmosphere which is fostered for Bridging and feel more prepared for the term ahead. The JCR also organised an exciting calendar of social and evening events throughout Bridging Week including picnics, scavenger hunts, music nights and minority group get-togethers.”

The new students found the week very valuable, with many reporting increased confidence, feeling of preparedness and excitement to begin studying. They particularly valued the opportunity to make friends, ease nerves, and get settled in Cambridge in advance of term.

“Without the Lucy Cavendish Bridging week, I don’t know if I would be strong enough to face Cambridge University life. The week was extremely well organised and allowed all of us to start to develop our reading, writing and IT skills before all the stresses of lectures starting and making friends university-wide. For me, it helped to create good connections with most of my college and keep me distracted from being homesick. So, thank you!” Hannah, Geography Tripos

“I truly enjoyed the engaging activities and informative sessions during bridging week as they catalysed the process of settling into the friendly Lucy Cavendish environment which I already consider my second home. The matriculation ceremony was so special and resonated with the welcoming vibe of all those associated with Lucy Cavendish College. I feel blessed to have had such a positive start to this new chapter in my life.” Farah, Human, Social & Political Sciences Tripos.

We continue to develop the programme and have taken careful note of students’ feedback to build on its success.

Our Assistant Senior Tutor: Academic, Dr Mark King, who is responsible for Bridging Week says, “Lucy’s Bridging Week is crucial to how we induct our students. The College feels that students benefit hugely from this chance to find their feet personally, organisationally, academically and socially before term starts properly, hence why we offer Lucy’s Bridging Week to all incoming students and keep it free for them to access. I would therefore particularly like to thank our generous donors who fund the Bridging Week – without their support we would not be able to offer such a comprehensive induction week.”

Undergraduate matriculation