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Victoria appeared as keynote speaker at the recent Uni Genius 2019 launch event.

Last week, Dr Victoria Harvey, Admissions Director at Lucy Cavendish College, was invited to be a keynote speaker at the Generating Genius launch event for this year’s Uni Genius programme. Victoria has been working closely with the charity as part of the college’s focus on widening participation.

Victoria commented:

“The students were super-engaged and inquisitive and had loads of really interesting questions. Generating Genius are a fantastic company to be working with and we’re looking forward to building that relationship and planning joint ventures in the future.”

About Uni Genius

Uni Genius is aimed at A-Level students and gives them the skills they need to thrive in the world of work and also opens up a much wider range of STEM opportunities for the future.

Starting in Year 12, students embark on a remarkable journey that challenges, educates and develops them, preparing them to be the STEM leaders that they are capable of being. Most students go on to study at Oxbridge, Russell Group and other top UK universities.

Some of the features of the programme include:

Masterclasses hosted by Barclays and UCL
Work Experience with top companies including BNY Mellon, IP Group and Barts Medical Hospital
Workshops and challenge days that simulate real-world problems
University application preparation and guidance
Career Insight Events
Speaking events
Academic Support


Be of Black African or Caribbean descent
Currently be in Year 12 at the time of application
Have studied at a non-selective state secondary school
Currently attend a non-fee paying sixth form or college
Have a minimum of 5 grades at A*, 9, 8 or 7 at GCSE. 
Currently be studying at least two Science Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM) subjects at A level.