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New groundbreaking lecture and dialogue featuring Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organization, and Dame Madeleine Atkins, President of Lucy Cavendish College, now available to watch.

Trade and investment flows are often criticised for their sustainability impacts, yet, if harnessed properly through cutting-edge international law and governance, trade can help rather than hinder the global sustainable development goals.

In world-class lecture and dialogue now available online which features Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organization, Dame Madeleine Atkins, President of Lucy Cavendish College, and Prof Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Chair in Sustainable Development Law and Policy, from the University of Cambridge. This briefing highlights how trade law and policy is evolving to address our world’s challenges, underlining the idea that the WTO can and must be part of an urgent RE-globalisation towards sustainability, building on its poverty-eradication potential and green comparative advantage. 

Those interested can watch the lecture below. The link can also be shared widely to inform further discussion on the topic and can be deployed for education and awareness.

Dame Madeleine Atkins, President of Lucy Cavendish College, opens and shares her vision for the global biennial lecture: “We hope the event will spark new thinking, new ideas, and that it will deepen our understanding and lead to an even firmer commitment to work together to achieve the results we all so desperately want to see.”

The Democratising Education for Global Sustainability and Justice programme acts on this commitment by providing online courses on sustainable development law and policy and how they can be harnessed to further the SDGs and the Global Biodiversity Framework or linked with Trade Rules.

More information can be found under this link: