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This publication scheme is in the form prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner.

This publication scheme commits the company to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. The information covered is included in the classes of information mentioned below, where this information is held by the company.

The scheme commits the company to:

  • Actively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information, including environmental information, which is held by the company and falls within the classifications below.
  • Specify the information which is held by the company and falls within the classifications below.
  • Actively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information described in this scheme.
  • Publish the methods by which information is routinely made available so that it can be easily identified and accessed by members of the public.
  • Review and update on a regular basis the information the company makes available under this scheme.
  • To produce a schedule of any fees charged for access to information which is made available.
  • To make this publication scheme available to the public.

Classes of Information

The scheme is arranged into the following classes:

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, locations and contacts, constitutional and legal governance.

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.

How we make decisions

Policy proposals and decisions. Decision-making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations.

Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities.

Lists and Registers

Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the company.

The services we offer

Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases. A description of the services offered.

The classes of information will not generally include:

  • Information the disclosure of which is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure.
  • Information in draft form.
  • Information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons.

The method by which information published under this scheme will be made available

The company will indicate clearly to the public what information is covered by this scheme and how it can be obtained.

Where it is within the capability of the company, information specified in this scheme will be provided on its website. Where it is impractical to make information available on its website or when an individual does not wish to access the information by the website, the company will indicate how information can be obtained by other means and provide it by those means.

In exceptional circumstances some information may be available only by viewing in person. Where this manner is specified, contact details will be provided. An appointment to view the information will be arranged within a reasonable timescale.

Information will be provided in the language in which it is held or in such other language that is legally required. Where an authority is legally required to translate any information, it will do so.

Obligations under disability and discrimination legislation and any other legislation to provide information in other forms and formats will be adhered to when providing information in accordance with this scheme.

Charges which may be made for Information published under this scheme

The purpose of this scheme is to make the maximum amount of information readily available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public. Charges made by the company for routinely published material will be justified and transparent and kept to a minimum.

Material which is published and accessed on Lucy Cavendish College's website will be provided free of charge.

Charges may be made for information subject to a charging regime specified by Parliament.

Charges may be made for actual disbursements incurred such as:

  • Photocopying
  • Postage and packaging
  • Costs directly incurred as a result of viewing information

Charges may also be made for information provided under this scheme where they are legally authorised, they are in all the circumstances, including the general principles of the right of access to information held by public authorities, justified and are in accordance with a published schedule or schedules of fees which are readily available to the public.

If a charge is to be made, confirmation of the payment due will be given before the information is provided. Payment may be requested prior to provision of the information.

Written requests

Information held by the company that is not published under this scheme can be requested in writing, when its provision will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

Information within the company's Publication Scheme

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.

Roles and responsibilities

The purpose of the company is to supply varied conference services. The policy of the company is to transfer its taxable profits by Gift Aid to Lucy Cavendish College.

Articles of Association

The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company are available from the Freedom of Information Officer, email:

Board membership

The Directors of the Company are as follows:

Professor Janet Todd, President of Lucy Cavendish College

Ms Lesley Thompson, Bursar of Lucy Cavendish College

Ms Christine Houghton, Domestic Bursar and Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College

Dr Jane Renfrew, Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College

Senior Executives

The Company has no Senior Executives.

Staff structure

The Company does not employ any staff.

Contact points

The Company Secretary is Ms Lesley Thompson (Tel: 01223 332190 or email: The Registered Office of the Company is Lucy Cavendish College, Lady Margaret Road, Cambridge, CB3 0BU.

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Annual accounts

The annual accounts of the company are available from the Freedom of Information Officer.

Loans sanctioned

Details of the company's Creditors may be found in its annual accounts.

Procurement procedures

The company obtains professional services from the firms referred to in its annual accounts.

Staff and board members' allowances and expenses

Board members may claim for their out-of-pocket expenses. The company has no staff.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.

Any reports indicating main priorities and progress against them

The administration of the company is recorded in the Minutes of its Board Meetings.

Annual report

The company's annual report may be found in its annual accounts and is available from the Freedom of Information Officer (email:

How we make decisions

Decision-making processes and records of decisions.

Minutes of meetings of the Board

The minutes of the Board are available from the Freedom of Information Officer.

Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.

Policies and procedures for conducting departmental business

The company has no staff and is not organised into departments.

Policies and procedures for delivering our services

The company delivers its service, where appropriate, in consultation with its shareholder, Lucy Cavendish College.

Policies and procedures for recruiting and employing staff

The company has no staff.

Customer service

The company has no non-corporate customers. The company's complaints procedure in relation to applications for information follows that of Lucy Cavendish College and may be found here.

Records management and personal data policies

The company does not have records management or personal data policies. However, its practices follow those of Lucy Cavendish College which are available from the Freedom of Information Officer (email:

Charging regimes and policies

The company negotiates its charges on a case-by-case basis with its corporate customers.

Lists and registers

Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers.

Any lists or registers that may be required to produce in the conduct of their business

There are none.

Any property asset list

The company holds no property.

Disclosure logs

The company does not maintain a disclosure log.

The services we offer

Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters.

Details of company services

The company provides services to selected corporate clients.

Services for which the company is entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees

The company negotiates its fees on a case-by-case basis with its corporate customers.


The company publishes leaflets to promote its conference facilities. These are available from the Freedom of Information Officer (email:

Media releases

The company does not issue press releases.