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We're delighted to introduce the students who entered this year's Environmental Essay Prize and to highlight our sustainability efforts.

On June 5th, as we mark World Environment Day, we are proud to showcase the voices of our future leaders. In this special feature, we introduce the outstanding students who submitted essays for the College's annual Environmental Essay Prize.

Their insightful perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing our planet offer a fresh look at the critical importance of environmental stewardship. Join us as we celebrate their dedication to creating a more sustainable future.

  • Dandy Doherty (PG winner) - Essay title: How is the human relationship to nature conceptualised in Amazonia? 

Dandy joined Lucy in 2023 to study an Mphil in Health, Medicine and Society.

  • Jacob Tucker (UG winner) - Essay title: The Potential Role of a Wittgensteinian Ecology in Mitigating Barriers to Effective Ecocriticism

Jacob joined Lucy as part of our first mixed student cohort to study English Tripos.

  • Parul Chugh - Essay title: Tiny Forests, Big Impact: Examining Miyawaki Methodology for Rapid Afforestation

Parul is a Lucy MPhil in Bioscience Enterprise student, who joined us in 2023.

  • Charmain Tung - Essay title: Climate Change Mitigation: Designing Policies to Incentivise Renewable Power Generation

Charmain started her undergraduate course at Lucy last year, to study Land Economy Tripos.

Sustainable Efforts at Lucy Cavendish College

In the spirit of World Environment Day, we would also like to highlight the ongoing sustainability efforts at Lucy Cavendish College. The college is passionate about tackling climate change and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact

Lucy Cavendish College has won several awards for its sustainability efforts, including the Excellence Award and the Innovation Award for leading-edge sustainability research. The college is committed to continuing its work to create a more sustainable future for all.

We hope you enjoyed this special feature on World Environment Day. We encourage you to learn more about the environmental challenges facing our planet and to take action to create a more sustainable future.