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Lylaah L Bhalerao (MPhil Classics, 2020) was highly commended for the Inclusive Practice award category.

This award, offered by the Cambridge Centre for Teaching & Learning (CCTL), recognises the contribution that students make to enhancing educational practices at the University of Cambridge.

Lylaah received her MPhil in Classics in July last year. During her MPhil, she developed a particular interest in decolonising methodologies and challenging the 'classical' canon, having become aware of how the discipline of Classics has historically been implicated in colonial and racist cultures and systems. She is now studying for a PhD at the New York University Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.

Lylaah, who was highly commended for the Inclusive Practice award category, has a commitment to making Classics as a Faculty and a discipline more inclusive, and to creating spaces in which all students feel they have a voice. She has worked tirelessly in often difficult conversations, and in liaising with student reps to encourage and guide other students’ engagement with critical issues of diversity, decolonisation and White privilege.

Lylaah’s contributions include organising and hosting a panel on decolonising the museum, the first in a series of events aiming to make the Faculty community more conscious and owning of Classics’ heritage and of its present failings. The speaker list was as inspired as it was inspiring, but so too was Lylaah’s chairing. It attracted over 80 participants despite being held in exam term. The event has unified and galvanised the student body, improved its dialogue with Museum staff, and shown the way to making this a prominent and, in the future, more public-facing, access-oriented series.

Lylaah has enhanced the students’ experience and engagement, and encouraged the Faculty to pursue new initiatives in, and beyond, the curriculum.

Read the CCTL announcements below:

To find out more about the award click here.